DATABASE CONSULTING SERVICES PeopleSoft DB2 UDB DBA and Performance Tuning Specialists |
Call or e-mail for current schedule Prices are per person. Call for same company, multi- employee discounts. 6 Webinars are currently being offered Included in the cost of each Webinar is the matching eBook, which will be used as a Guide during the Webinar. You will only get the one corresponding eBook with each Webinar. Buy all the Webinars, and you will get eBooks 1 through 6, over 600 pages, known collectively as the Monitoring, Optimization, Configuration and Architecture Guide. If you wish to buy parts of the eBook separately from the Webinars, click on this link. To purchase all or some of these Webinars, it's as simple as this: 1. Send an email to Webinar_registration at db-consulting.com stating the date and time of the Webinar(s) you want to be registered in. We will confirm registration by return e-mail. 2. Click on the "Add to Cart" link and pay with a credit card. You MUST include your email address and phone number on the checkout screen. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you wish to pay by check, please contact Database Consulting Services at the number at the bottom of this screen. Payment must be made 48 hours before the Webinar start time. To purchase multiple Webinars, go to the bottom of this page where package savings are listed. Cancellations for a full refund or re-schedule can be made up to noon on the day prior to the Webinar. Follow this link to see the Schedules Webinar 1 - An Introduction to PeopleSoft Enterprise Architecture on the Mainframe Purpose: To give team members a broader understanding of the architecture and mechanics of PSE on the Mainframe, so they are able to more effectively communicate with other team members. It is not a generic platform independent class - it focuses specifically on mainframe architecture. The material is current to PeopleTools 8.48, DB2 V8 and V9. Topics: PeopleSoft
installation Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Network administrators, System Programmers, System Administrators, Managers, Developers, Data Base Administrators, Operators, Technical and Functional Analysts, Security Administrators. Duration:
Webinar 2 - An Introduction to PeopleTools Product Components on the Mainframe Purpose: To give team members a broader understanding of all of the PeopleTools components and how they work on the Mainframe, enabling them to more effectively communicate with other team members. Typically, for instance, a Security Administrator may be an expert in PeopleTools security, but may not understand how the Process Scheduler works when building security objects. This class will help to bridge that gap. It is not a generic platform independent class - it focuses specifically on PeopleTools on the mainframe where that architecture is different than other platforms. The material is current to PeopleTools 8.48, DB2 V8 and V9. Topics: Development
and Programming Tools - App Designer/AE/PeopleCode Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Network administrators, System Programmers, System Administrators, Managers, Developers, Data Base Administrators, Operators, Technical and Functional Analysts, Security Administrators. Duration
Webinar 3 - Configuring PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS Purpose: To teach DBAs about Configuring PSE applications to run on DB2 UDB for z/OS. This includes DB2 V8, DB2 V9 and PT8.48 features. In addition to all the DB2 and DB2 Connect related parameters, it also covers Application Server and Process Scheduler parameters relevant to DBAs. This class has been completely overhauled from the 1999-2003 series of classes that were offered and would be a useful refresher or skill set update. Topics: z/OS
Platform Considerations - zIIP/USS/Workload Manager Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Database Administrators or Systems Programmers who are new to PeopleSoft or who desire a refresher and an update to their skills to include the latest releases of DB2 (V8 and V9), PeopleTools (8.48) and PeopleSoft Enterprise (8.9) Duration
Webinar 4 - Optimizing PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS Purpose: To teach DBAs and Technical Specialists about Optimizing PSE Enterprise applications to run on DB2 UDB for z/OS. This includes DB2 V8, DB2 V9 and PT8.48 features. It looks at techniques for performance tuning that can be used after the product is installed, and which are not covered in Webinar 3. Topics: DB2
Environment Tuning - Access Paths/Concurrency/Runstats/Reorg Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Database Administrators who are new to PeopleSoft or who desire a refresher and an update to their skills to include the latest releases of DB2 (V8 and V9) and PeopleTools (8.48) Duration
Dates: Webinar 5 - Tracing PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS Purpose: To teach DBAs and Technical Specialists about tracing PSE batch and online transactions on DB2 UDB for z/OS using available tools from PeopleSoft and IBM Topics: Tracing
Batch programs - Cobol/AE/SQR/nVision/Crystal Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Database Administrators and Senior Developers Duration
Webinar 6 - Monitoring PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS Purpose: To teach DBAs and Technical Specialists about monitoring PSE on DB2 UDB for z/OS using available tools from PeopleSoft and IBM Topics: Network Monitoring Detailed topics:
Primary audience: Database Administrators and Senior Developers Duration
Webinars 1,2 - Save $50 Price:
Webinars 3,4 - Save $50 Price:
Webinars 5,6 - Save $50 Price:
Webinars 3,4,5,6 - Save $150 Price:
Webinars 1,2,3,4,5,6 - Save $250 Price:
The "Introduction to PeopleTools Components on the Mainframe" and "Configuring PSE on DB2 UDB for z/OS" Webinars are split into two 4-hour parts. All Webinars are placed in 4-hour slots. Some Webinars will not be that long. See the Webinar details for that information. If the time slots don't work for you at the office, consider taking the
class at home. You will need a broadband connection and a phone line to call
into a conference bridge (not toll-free). ALL TIMES LISTED IN THIS CHART ARE PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
Daylight Savings Time ends in California on October 29th. So it changes on this date from Pacific Daylight Time to Pacific Standard Time.
Database Consulting Services reserves the right to cancel or reschedule Webinars when necessary.
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PeopleSoft DB2 UDB DBA and Performance Tuning Specialists. Upgrades, Installs , Administration, Audits |